Transforming Vision into Value

Environmental Laws And Forest Conservation Laws Including Mining Laws

  • The Firm has advised prominent Indian and Multi National Companies on implications of Forest Conservation Laws (including The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
  • Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006) with respect to establishment of thermal and hydro power projects as well as wind farms.
  • Undertaken due diligence exercises which have covered aspects of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) as also evaluating the entire gamut of policy, legislative and regulatory compliance obligations with environmental norms.
  • Also dealt with related issues with regard to mining in forest as well as non-forest areas, rehabilitation and resettlement, acquisition of land in tribal areas and so on.
  • The Firm advises on all aspects of Mining law including:
  1. Licensing issues that include reconnaissance permits, prospecting license and mining leases,
  2. Policy issues including those relating to prescribed & certain reserved minerals, State mining policies, enforceability of Memorandums of Understanding (MoU), and State Support Agreements,
  3. Regulatory issues regarding grant of Reconnaissance Permits, Prospecting Licenses & Mining Leases and transfers thereof;
  4. Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) policies,
  5. Health Safety & Environment (HSE),
  6. Contracting,
  7. Regulatory issues.

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